***For Sale by Open Negotiation (flexible conditions online auction – go to openn.com.au). The Open Negotiation is underway & the property can SELL AT ANY TIME on or before the Final Bidding Stage 6pm on September 21st. Contact Grant Winning immediately to become qualified & avoid disappointment. Open to all buyers, including finance and flexible settlement (all subject to seller approval).***
Cash burning a hole in the proverbial pocket?
If so, you might want to check out this 1943sqm (45m frontage) of prime Kalamunda land with a R30/40 zoning, low BAL rating and deep sewer/natural gas passing by.
Situated opposite Kostera Oval and just a short stroll to the heart of Kalamunda Central, the development potential here is enormous, even just to bank the land now and consider your options later.
The 1950′s 4 x 2 home is in a derelict state with no services connected and is sold strictly on an ‘as is’ basis.
Imagine the possibilities.