Currently zoned Rural RU1, this property along with others in the vicinity were going to be rezoned Health & Education and be part of a bigger picture for this whole precinct BUT Council have changed this and the rezoning plan is now to make these properties become Residential.

With the residential zoning, this 3,607sqm property would be perfect for a combo villa/townhouse development to maximize the density and provide an excellent opportunity to develop, sell and hold some stock.

PMHC’s growth expectation out to 2041 show an increase of over 25% in population from current numbers and housing will continue to be an important factor, with the majority of the growth centred around Port Macquarie, so having sufficient stock to house such growth makes good sense to acquire this site now and be ready and able to build when the rezoning becomes effective.

If you wish to position yourself for this re-zoning to occur and take advantage of a future development opportunity then you had better call Greg now to seek any further information you may need. There are very few other large land holdings around this precinct so is the time to act.

Rates – $3,155pa