Fresh Paint – tick!
Renovated bathroom and ensuite – tick!
Renovated Kitchen – tick!
Add to that, a great location with an easy (1km!) walk to primary and high schools and train station. Your new home awaits!
The home features three bedrooms, large lounge, separate dining and large decked, outdoor entertaining area. There’s airconditioning to bedrooms and shutters to the front of the home.
Your man cave (or she shed) awaits! Whether you’re a home handy-person, collector, gym enthusiast or just for storage, there’s a huge 6mx6m shed – with vehicle access.
There’s a large, easy maintenance yard with room for kids and pets to play.
All within an easy drive (or bus) to Westfield North Lakes, Costco, IKEA etc. And easy freeway access north and south. Whether you’re commuting to the city or heading to the sunshine coast, this is your ideal location!
The median property house price for Murrumba Downs is $860,000. If you are looking for an investment property, the average rent is $600 PW with an annual rental yield of 4.2%. Murrumba Downs has seen an annual compound growth rate of 13.2% for houses and 21.8% for units. (source:
Whether you’re an owner occupier or investor, Murrumba Downs is a great place to invest!
Contact Raylene to build your property portfolio today!