Total Area:
72.8156 ha or 179.92 acres of flat to gently undulating country
Soil Type: Majority Red soil with the balance of black soil
Large percentage of Pangola, Green Panic, Buffel, Rhodes & Bluegrass
Seca, Glycine, Siratro

Bore 40′ with windmill (not working needs buckets) 22,500 litre conc. tank & conc. trough
Bore 120′ (1200-1800gph) with solar pump with 22,500 litr poly tank supplying 2 x conc. troughs (half under the fence for 4 paddocks)
Water holes x 2 in the creek
4 main paddocks with 2 holding paddocks near yards with laneways to stockyards

Fencing is in good condition
Steel panel stockyards with headbail & timber loading ramp
Vegetation Map:
Mostly all white except for an area on the creek
SWER line through property
Agents Comments:
Some of the best Scrub Country in the District; adjoining 133 acres available if required