534 Uandi Road Inglewood
Situated approximately 50 km west of Stanthorpe and 50km east of Inglewood Uandi consists of 899.11ha or 2222 acres of predominantly softer trap soils (Approximately 400 acre of cultivation).
Water is a real feature of Uandi with two semi permanent creeks (Bracker & Oakey) running through the property, a huge 78 Meg earth dam, 60 Meg water licence, 18 stock dams and numerous natural springs.
Structural improvements include the original 4 bedroom timber homestead, colour bond car shed and car port, 10 x 20 metre Machinery shed, 2 stand original shearing shed, hay shed and two sets of cattle yards .
In addition there is separate rentable accommodation including separate amenities block providing the current owners with convenient supplementary income year round.
Uandi is divided into 18 easy to manage paddocks, all with water ensuring the current owners being able to run 200+ Angus cows and calves on the property for some time.
Inspection is highly recommended as the owners of Uandi have purchased elsewhere and are keen to see the property sold!!
Asking $1 300 000