Ready to build your dream home, on a half acre of well located land; or
Ready to plan and build multiple, quality architectural smaller homes for those who want quality, smaller homes. Then you do need to consider this great parcel of land. This allotment has good dimensions, good width and depth, a diverse land parcel, your mind will go into overdrive considering what you can do with it.
Aspect is excellent, being able to take advantage of all that will afford occupants of new build or builds a comfortable, bright and airy living environment.
Please see our Council Mapping within our image carousel, contact myself the Licensed Real Estate Agent tasked with selling this block to discuss further, for other information to be sent through to your email for review. Colorbond fencing on the entire eastern side, netting fenced across the rear and western boundary, it is not netted all the way to the front of the street on western side, so you will need complete that and the front further once you have built your dream.
Link to a Youtube Video of a walk over of the allotment I performed on 02 June 2023. Copy and paste into your Web Browser to view.