36 Flaggy Rock Road offers the you 10 acres on which to build your new home, or a weekender if you just want a getaway.

There is an old dwelling which would be a knockdown, as well as some old animal enclosures that could be very useful.
There is some boundary fencing, but not completely fenced.
The property has good elevation and falls away to the south, power runs past the front boundary.
The Flaggy Rock Café is just around the corner, Carmila is just to the north and Sarina is 45 minutes.

For your opportunity to inspect please do not hesitate to contact Greg on 0419 574 846
Disclaimer: The Agent does not give any warranty as to errors or omissions, if any, in these particulars, the provided information from the Vendor can be deemed reliable but not accurate. Any persons interested in the property should conduct their own research.