See 3d tour of front home below.
All rates and rental estimates with qualifiers below. Front home is not air-conditioned a must for tenanting in the tropics.
Note these are two fibro cottages. The owners states they are moved from Charters Towers in the earlier 1900′s and placed on the block.
Bowls club owns to fence line in right and council easement over the bowls club driveway allows access to rear home and parking for sports field.
Located in Bell Street, this property which has sat in the same hands for over 60 years, offers huge potential given its location and generously sized allotment.
The property features two low set homes, of similar construction.
The front home features 5 bedrooms along with a lounge room in the centre, dining room and kitchen. The design is typical of home that was renovated over time. The shower toilet and laundry are under a roofed area at the rear of the home.
The rear home, a two-bedroom dwelling.
The rates $6,979.60 year.
The property
Front home
- 5 bedroom low set home
- Dining room
- Lounge room
- Kitchen
- Bathroom toilet Laundry downstairs
- Freshly painted
- Estimated rental value provided you fully air con $400 per pw
Rear home
- Two bedrooms
- Open Dining plan living dining
- Bathroom toilet
- Laundry
- 1012 m2 allotment
- Fully fenced
- Estimated rental value $280 pw
The location
- Neighbouring Victoria Park and South Townsville Bowls Club
- Less than 5 minutes to the city centre, Palmer Street Restaurants, Townsville Stadium
- Less than 5 minutes to Railway Estate State School and Townsville State High School
- Local hardware Pubs and Convenience stores nearby
- Near South Townville Boat Ramp
- Walking distance to the beach, parks, and playground