It is a fantastic opportunity if you are looking for something to operate easily. This supermarket is well-presented store and has already obtain the good reputation. It’s positioned in prime location which is near the Mermaid beach. The reason for selling this business is due to owner’s personal health issue. Therefore, the current owner is very motivated to sell the business if the right person comes. This business is ideal for couples or families but still suitable for anyone as it’s very easy to operation.
-Premises: An area of 187 spm
-Lease: Approx. $4,500 per month
-Location: Mermaid beach
-Sales: $260,000 per quarter
-Profit: $10,000 per month
-Trading Hours: Mon – Sun / 6:00am – 10:00pm
To grab the opportunity, please contact us now!
For further information, please contact Collin on 0434 491 535 or email to