A world away from the hustle and bustle this excellent block features bitumen road access and ideally positioned is a cleared site perfect for your secluded and tranquil grand design.
Brilliant valley views are on offer from elevated sites and the eastern boundary is a dramatic escarpment backdrop. A previous windmill bore may be revitalised and seasonal running creek adjoining western boundary. Developed properties in the area are producing quality livestock due to the available excellent soft soil types on offer.
Large lots with this potential are hard to find so close to Toowoomba. Enquire with Myles Cosgrove 0419 271 247 or Brian Hodges 0419 355 394 today for more detailed information and an inspection.
Auction at Level 26
111 Eagle Street
Brisbane QLD 4000
20th July 2018 – Auction commences at 10.30am