This corner block has just been waiting to hit the market, and be the new address for owners, looking for a block that has a lot to offer. You can start from scratch, and build to whatever configuration suits your needs. Possibly a pole home to enhance the views, storage for the boat underneath, or maybe just single storey that, also, would have views, and no stairs. Good thing about a vacant lot! Or, just a shed for a start, and build when the budget is finalised. Something to work towards, but good part is, you have the land in a great position, with views.
Penny Lane has very few vacant blocks available for sale, and this one is in a perfect position. It sits opposite a large Council reserve, which enjoys a continual parade of kangaroos and emus, munching on the local vegetation. Sloping gently away from Pine Crescent, a home would offer views into the jetty and Kellidie Bay. All services are available and power is underground, so no pesky power lines in your line of sight. Measuring 935m2, and being a corner block, there’s plenty of space for a home, and shed, with a choice of access for the buildings.
As the crow flies, the block is only about 200 meters to the water’s edge, the Oyster Walk, and 1802 Restaurant. Surrounded by established homes, and with the broad aspect to the open reserve, this is a great location, and exceptionally good value at $125,000. Come and check it out, and, I guarantee, you’ll just love this block. Give Mike a call on 0428854020 and make it yours.