Located only 7 minutes from Smithton this wonderfully pastured 173 hectare spring calving dairy farm is currently milking 230 cows, producing 88,300 milk solids (2013/14). This high rainfall property has a mixture of rich volcanic and alluvial “hump and hollowed” clays, all accessed by a central laneway system. 3 permanent creeks run through the property and supply all of the farms watering requirements including 22 hectares of lateral irrigation. The 17 swing over dairy has had a new milk line and electronic pulsation recently installed and there is yard capacity to increase the herd size. There are numerous buildings on the farm including a specifically built calf rearing facility, which can easily shed 100 calves at any one time. Pasture management is maximised by an excellent electric fencing subdivision and the majority of the properties boundaries are wallaby fenced. A solid 3 bedroom home maximises the Owner’s outlook with a view across the farm and the surrounding valley.

- 22 hectare irrigation
- Permanent Creek