Location: Georges Bay Esplanade in picturesque St. Helens on Tasmanias East Coast.

Building History:

Purchased as The Captains Catch fish punt in 1998.
Demolished the original building and built the modern architect designed premises that sits over Georges Bay in 2008

The Premises

Currently housing three businesses in one building

1. The Captains Catch seafood retail/takeaway/provedore.

2. The Blue Shed Restaurant with full liquor licence

3. Fish processing facility for retail / wholesale with large cool room and walk in freezer.

4. 20 carparks

All three areas are fitted out to a very high specification

Reason for Sale: Planting Vineyard and not enough hours in the day to do both


Building suitable for multiple applications

Points for consideration:-

Unique waterfront location
Fit out included in sale of building
Gateway to the Bay of Fires. Building fully established with high tourism profile.
Premises can continue trading as is on a walk in walk out basis.

Asking price is for the commercial premises/property.