The ’Admissions Building’ started life back in the days of the Royal Derwent Hospital. It is an expansive building with very solid structure which is ready to be repurposed into a new use. While it needs a facelift in terms of paint, windows and renovation, the bones are very strong and sound.

Built with government funds back in the day, no expense was spared, and as has been demonstrated in the adjacent building, the Derwent Valley Resort, it can be easily renovated within the structure into a stunning eco-friendly new development.

As a solid concrete building, it has stood the test of time, and just need a little love to transform from the ugly duckling into Cinderella ready for the ball. The access, stairs, walls and main structure are very sound and could be repurposed into many different evolutions including accommodation, business offices and much more (STCA).

On two titles with sealed road frontage onto Lower Road, access is easy and practical. The site offers plenty of parking space also for whatever evolves on the site.


Admissions Ward, Doctors offices, Central Pharmacy, were where all the CT’s, EEGs and x-rays were done.

It was one of the later wards to be built and the last ward built on that side being completed in 1970. In addition to housing ward 12 which was the admission ward, it also accommodated some of RDH clerical and nursing administration, the reception area, medical record and, in a later addition, the hospital pharmacy. The ward area could accommodates 16 residents, 12 single rooms in a dormitory wing and 4 in single rooms originally planned for staff use.

Contact Craig for more details on 0488 013 965