A stunning 3-bedroom apartment with a massive 220sqm in total space
One of only 16 apartments!
From the choice of stone that sets the tone in the kitchen and bathroom settings, the oak floorboards in the common areas, to the more specific details seen in the joinery and storage — attention and dedication to quality design is seen at every turn.
Grey stone was selected to feature in the kitchen and bathrooms, forming the benchtops and various tiled areas.
Building upon the theme of seamlessness are integrated shower ledges to allow for easy storage, there for occupants to place their favorite products and have them easily on hand.
Please enquire to see the display. Before they are gone!
For getting more information, please call Matthew Gordon – 0404 773 760
Disclaimer: These façade and pictures are just façade and pictures. For the correct pictures and floor plans please enquire with the agents!