Make your money on this smart design project, no underground parking that save lot, lot of money in building cost; its situated right at heart of vibrant Springvale central where the demand for services,housings are always growing together with local demographic, migration from other areas of Australia and overseas. Opportunity to build and set up your own Office or simply invest in the affordable/rare project:
- Permit to build one office and 8x 2 brs apartments all with full ensuite to master bedroom
- Smart design no underground parking; easy and cheap to build,
- Situated right at heart of Springvale central, surrounded by Shopping centers, Local shops, Church, Schools, public transport and all other amenities
- There is 3 brs house rented for $1500/per month at the moment.
- Design is very smart that make the project very affordable to build and profitable
This is rare find project. Don’t miss out on this golden opportunity.