The phone enquiry code for this property is – 2600
This property is ideally suited for those who want a country lifestyle but still cant break away from the city.
Located only 130 km kilometres from Central Perth is this outstanding Rural lifestyle property.
Wheatbelt Shire of Beverley
- only 1.30hr from central Perth!
- only 40 mins to Northam!
- only 30 mins to York! only 20 mins to Beverley!
This property is 50.35 hectares and is excellent productive cropping land, perfect for stock run-off or grazing. The land is gently sloping with clay loam soil. There is an excellent central dam and 3 bedroom house with large converted woolshed / workshop on site which also has a living area, kitchen, toilet and shower.
- Approx: 120 acres arable land 2 fenced paddocks
- 1 x approx. 110 acre paddock with large central dam and shelter trees
- 1 x fenced paddock
- House block (fenced)
Converted woolshed / workshop with kitchen, oven/sink, toilet / basin and shower and workshop
- Gas hot water infinity system
- Wood fire located in lounge area of converted woolshed
- Workshop is suitable for working on trucks / farm machinery and fully powered
- 100,000 litre rainwater tank captures rainwater from the roof
- Scheme water to the workshop is also available
- Sheep pens at rear
The property is fully powered on a massive solar system which currently services -
3 x 1 house, woolshed, and converted bus home.
The Outback solar system has 3 x battery banks and a 12kva back up diesel generator
- A relocated 3 bed-room house approx. 90m2 which is surrounded by 4.5 metre jarrah deck with a great view
– All bedrooms also have an external access to the deck House has been re roofed – roof extends over the jarrah deck which can be
used all year round
- A free-standing wood burner fire in the lounge
- Gas Infinity hot water system Scheme water to the house
- A 3-bay undercover carport is attached to the house
- A free- standing pizza / brick oven in the garden area 2 metre from the deck at the rear of the house
It would be very easy to be self sufficient on this block. There is a covered garden which is not in use at present but still intact and could very easily be resurrected! There is water reticulation to the garden.
An animal shelter suitable for housing chooks / small stock with water reticulated to the shelter is still in use
The bus and caravan are not included in the sale price.