Located on Armadale Road within the Forrestdale Business Park, the property comprises a significant 26,253sqm site currently zoned Service Commercial and Industrial Enterprise allowing for a multitude of development options.
The property benefits from a highly exposed corner location on Armadale Road with over 16,500 vehicles passing the property daily. Armadale Road (via Kwinana Freeway) connects the Perth CBD to the south-east metropolitan growth corridor. Forrestdale Business Park is central to major freight routes including Tonkin Highway, Kwinana Freeway and the Albany and South West Highways.
- Areas from 8,942sqm 26,253sqm*
- Proposed Lot 1016 17,311sqm*
- Proposed Lot 1017 – 8,942sqm*
- To be Sold Together or Separately
- Zoned Service Commercial and Industrial Enterprise
- Opposite Bunnings
- 220 metre* Armadale Road Frontage
- 3 Street Frontage
Asking Price:
Proposed Lot 1016 – $3,960,000 plus GST
Proposed Lot 1017 – $1,780,000 plus GST
IM available upon request.
For further information contact the exclusive selling agents.
* Approximate