This freshly renovated three (3) bedroom, brick and tile home is located in a sought after pocket of East Bateau Bay, a short stroll from beaches, boutiques and local cafe’s

* Polished floorboards-perfect for low maintenance cleaning!
* Reverse cycle air-conditioner
* Breezy, enclosed balcony
* Three spacious bedrooms with wardrobes to two
* Double garage with under house storage area
* Paved outdoor area-perfect for entertaining in the summer months!
* Large, fully fenced yard
* Approximately a 6 minute drive from Shelly Beach, 5 minute drive to Bay Village Shopping Centre and 15 minute drive from Erina Fair (All times an estimation per Google Maps)

To view this property, you must register to inspect. To register either click on the booking button or submit your enquiry and we will respond with available times you can book into. By booking we can let you know of any change, update or cancellation to inspection times.