Set in a prime location within walking distance of local schools, shops and sporting facilities, this well presented
property is ideal to call home.


3 bedrooms, 2 with built ins.
Bathroom with combined bath and shower
Separate lounge with polished timber floors
Good sized eat in kitchen.
Small verandah’s front and back
Close to shops, schools and transport

PARKING: Single lock-up garage
AVAILABLE: From 15th March
PETS: will be considered on application
LEASE TERM: 6 or 12 months

This property is proudly marketed by the First National David Haggarty Rental Team, contact 4933 5544 today for further information or to book your inspection!

“ First National David Haggarty, We Put You First “

Disclaimer: All information contained herein is gathered from sources we deem to be reliable. However, we cannot guarantee its accuracy and interested persons should rely on their own enquiries