8. The property has been let to you for the period shown on your receipt (from 2pm on your arrival date to 10am on your departure date). Cleaning staff reserve the right to report late departures and a penalty equal to the daily fee will be charged against your security deposit.

9. When vacating the property, please assist by removing all rubbish and leaving the property in a clean and tidy condition. It is your responsibility to remove excess rubbish. Under no circumstances are the green lid
10. The number of occupants must not exceed the number of beds provided for occupancy. Under NO circumstances are tents and/or caravans to be used on the property. Penalties apply

11. If you are holidaying in an apartment, you are required to abide by the Owners Corporation Rules and By-Laws.

12. No responsibility is taken for your personal property whilst you occupy the property or that may be left after you vacate. Please ensure personal property is secured at all times.

13. For obvious health regulations, pets are not permitted at the property unless approved by way of our advertising against the property information on the LJ Hooker web. Penalties apply

14. The description of the property by the agent is made in good faith however, no responsibility will be accepted if the property does not meet your expectations.

15. The booking has been made in good faith by the Agent but may be subject to change as may be notified to the Agent by the owner prior to the commencement of your booking. The Agent cannot accept responsibility for actions taken by the owner of the premises. Every reasonable endeavour will be made to offer alternative accommodation should this occur

This information has been provided to inform you of your responsibilities under our terms and Conditions