My name is Nicole. I live with my 17 year old son and our house mate. My son studies hard and is in year 12. He is quiet as a mouse and a gentleman… Not a rebelious bone in his body. Our house mate of 4 years sadly has to move away in September. I am jumping the gun and am now seeking my next long term house mate. If anybody knows that theyll be needing a new permanent place of abode in September please contact me. This house is 2 storey with granite kitchen and gas cooking. Nice sized dining room. Great sized empty lounge room for your lounge and t.v…. etc… spacious lovely bathroom up stairs. Out door dining set under pergola with 6 burner bbq. We fire it up at least 4 times a week. Share double garage with remote control double door and internal entry.My current house mate has half the house. He also pays $300 per week. He has 2 bedrooms as I do. His bedrooms are smaller than mine but he has the bigger lounge room. I have taken the smaller lounge room at the back of the house. You will have the large one at the front. I am off work on compo so I usually keep the house clean… but dont take that as having a house maid. Everybody cleans up after themselves.We have a German Shepherd. He will accept you after a few meetings and after he knows your not going to be a threat to us.If you want half the house its $300 per week. If you want one room its $160 per week. One room has air conditioning. I guess if one gets air conditioning the other gets the car spot in the garage… or you can have half the house to yourself.You must be at least 30. Must be working full time.share bills. 4 weeks advanced rentCheers.