This four bedroom home is available from 22/03/2017 at $830 per week.
This magnificent home features master with ensuite plus a study. Three open plan living areas. Two complete bathrooms plus an extra powder room. Includes split system air conditioning throughout, vacuum-maid & alarm system. Outside has side access, extra space for a trailer or boat, a grassed area and private pool. Monthly pool maintenance; tenants must pay for pool chemicals. Pets upon application.

Contact Tammy Vitale or Eleni Fardouly on (07) 3348 7715 to arrange an inspection

Please ensure that you visit the Residential Tenancies Authority QLD’s website to view a copy of the:
1). 17a Renting in Queensland Booklet:

2). 18a General Tenancy Agreement

You must read the terms of the Tenancy Agreement prior to applying for the property. A copy is available at our office. We recommend you call our office prior to the inspection to confirm the appointment time as the property may be rented. Each property is open for approx. 10 minutes only, if a property has been leased a leasing consultant will not be attending.

DISCLAIMER: We have not verified whether or not information in this listing is accurate and do not have any belief one way or the other in its accuracy. We do not accept any responsibility to any person for its accuracy and do no more than pass it on. All interested parties should rely upon their own enquiries in order to determine whether or not this information is in fact accurate.