This wonderful 3 bedroom family home is ideal for the family that likes to entertain. The property is surrounded by a luscious garden creating a private oasis. All bedrooms are upstairs and all have built in wardrobes. The kitchen has a gas oven/cook top and dishwasher. The lounge/dining area is combined and overlooks the front deck. The bathroom upstairs has a separate bath ideal for the kids and a separate toilet and plenty of storage spaces. Polished timber floors upstairs and near new white timber venetians throughout upstairs. Downstairs has a kitchenette, bathroom with shower and toilet, laundry and a good size rumpus room which leads out to the wonderful gardens. There is also a single garage with remote. This property is situated in the exclusive “AVENUES” area of Wynnum.

Please ensure that you visit the Residential Tenancies Authority QLD’s website to view a copy of the:
1). 17a Renting in Queensland Booklet:

2). 18a General Tenancy Agreement

You must read the terms of the Tenancy Agreement prior to applying for the property. A copy is available at our office. We recommend you call our office prior to the inspection to confirm the appointment time as the property may be rented. Each property is open for approx. 10 minutes only, if a property has been leased a leasing consultant will not be attending.
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