Located within walking distance to local schools, City Bus and Rode Shopping Centre which includes a Coles, Chemist, Butcher, Fruit Shop, Bottle Shop and Bakery. Minutes drive away from Everton Park High School, Everton Plaza, medical services, Woolworths and other conveniences at North West Plaza on Flockton st.
- Polished floors
- Garden Shed
- 3 bedrooms, 2 with built-in wardrobes
- 2 car lock up garage and 2 car carport
- Large child friendly yard
- Fully fenced
- 2 street access
(Official address 771 Rode Rd, entry via Glenrowen St.)
Sorry, no pets. Available from 20th September, 2017.
Please call to arrange an inspection – 3355 6845
Our agency does not accept 1form applications. Please visit www.madeleinehicks.com.au to download our approved tenancy application form.