* Price reduced!
* 340m2 nett lettable area
* Loading dock/loading bay/internal vehicle park
* Strategic provision of 415 volt and 240 volt power outlets with safety-switch protecton.
* High roofline and generous natural lighting
* Includes 34m2 office on ground level, carpeted, anti-glare glass door and windows, numerous power points and telephone service.
* Excellent Lunch/dining room plus M/F amenities with shower recess on concrete slab above the office.
* Bitumen sealed parking at the front, rear and side, including 6.4m wide laneway
* Security bars on all windows and front entrance. Security lighting at front and rear of the building, timer controlled.
* Metal tilt doors and the personnel door at the rear have internal padlocks.
* Make your offer today
* Outgoings approx $80 per week

For more information or to arrange an inspection, please contact the Agent.