Under the definition of “Value for Money”, you’ll find 6 Rudge Street.
Electricity, Water, Internet and Yard Maintenance are bundled together for an extra $60.00wk, which offers approximately an extra $100 per week in savings AND you get to rent a house for well under market value!
Why are we offering this? Downstairs is rented by a young university student who doesn’t make noise, use the yard or have a car. You wont even notice he’s there.
This freshly renovated home offers;
- Three Bedrooms with Fans.
- New Horseshoe Kitchen with Stainless Standalone Oven.
- Separate Living and Dining.
- New Bathroom with Separate Bath and Shower, plus Toilet in its own room.
- Wraparound Balcony.
- Enclosed Laundry.
- Huge and Fully Fenced Yard with Garden Shed.
- Curtains and Security Screens to Windows, with Awnings or Eaves keeping the house cool.
- Hygienic and Classic Polished Timber Floorboards throughout.
The location is convenient to;
- Walk to a variety of shops, food and more.
- Short drive to all other amenities.
- 50m to Kingston Road and Moss Street.
- 600m to Compton Road.
- 1.8km to Pacific Motorway.
- 600m to Parkland.
- 120m to Bus.
- 2.6km to Train.
- 1.4km to Woodridge North State School.
- 3.3km to Woodridge State High School.
This home is PERFECT for the value conscious, which means it’s perfect for EVERYONE! Get in touch today to organise a viewing!
Your new Landlord and Agent can’t wait to meet you!
*Pets on application.
*You MUST confirm via SMS, phone or email prior to attending a viewing.