Coopers Plains – Room 5 for Rent in Modern Share House – All Inclusive!
- Double room for rent with private Bathroom – Bath & Shower!
- Easy 1 minute walk to Bus Stops including: City, Sunnybank, Griffith, UQ, QUT, Tafe – 120, 122, 123, 125, 135, 145, 155, 260, 262, 598, 599,
- 2 minute walk to QE II hospital, restaurants and local shops.
- Griffith University only 15 minute walk.
- Everything included in your rental in this fully furnished modern house – unlimited internet, gas appliances inc. in the fully equiped kitchen, ducted airconditioning throughout.
- This property is ideal for students, professionals, or someone looking for quiet, harmonious living in an excellent location.
Welcome to make an appointment to inspection,
contact phone number: 0430 822 567
N.B. Phots displayed of interior are not necessarily of the townhouse currently available, however the photos are representative of the style and quality of the townhouses found in the complex. Colours may vary.