This newly renovated 2 bedroom airconditioned unit is just stunning, walk to bus and train and only 4klms to the CBD. Be among the first to inspect by contacting Position One rental department today on (07) 3843-4511 to arrange your personal inspection, or via email
* Stunning new kitchen stainless steel gas cooktop/oven stainless steel dishwasher.
* Open plan living with inverter air-con that will cool the entire apartment
* Tiled balcony off living – relax and enjoy the breezes
* 2 Spacious built-in bedrooms
* Linen cupboard offer extra storage
* Security bars and screens throughout
* Gorgeous contemporary bathroom
* Single remote control garage houses the laundry with extra space for storage
Be the first to inspect by contacting Position One rental department today on (07) 3843-4511 to arrange your personal inspection,
or via email
Please register for inspections providing your name and mobile phone number or register on line at so that we can notify you of any time changes or cancellations.
NOTE: Application forms can be downloaded and printed from our website at Your completed application can be handed to our leasing consultant at the property inspection.