Established 1891
31 Duck Street
This very established historic old institution in Longreach has sadly had to close its doors due to the changing economic landscape for members only clubs throughout the length and breadth of the country.
This magnificent building continues its legendary status in Longreach and enjoys arguably one of the most desirable prime real estate sites in the township and is now seeking a new owner with a new direction to take on the lease and put some liberal free enterprise values towards the future.
The building comes complete with all of the latest in furniture, bar facilities, gaming room, a fully equipped kitchen and a lovely dining room with a magnificent outdoor setting as well as its modern air-conditioned rooms including a live band stage area.
A substantial purpose built function room complete with its own separate stage area, entrance and rest rooms completes the picture.
Approximately 688 sqm of nett lettable area not including the wide verandahs on three sides.
Competitively priced to allow the right enterprise work for the new lessee.
Contact Howard to arrange your private inspection and to receive your complete information package.