Grazing Area – Including the grazing licence over reserves and road is approximately 206.286 ha. Runs from forest country to timbered harder county. Cultivation area of approximately 12.87ha. Solid timber yards with head bail in fair condition. Fair stock proof fencing. Numerous sheds. Water for stock is a bore with Onga pump.
Residence – Lowset weatherboard 3 bedroom home with sunroom/office, lounge, dining, kitchen, bathroom and air-conditioning. The residence is fenced with an access gate to a multi-bay garage. Rental for the residence only is appraised at $200.00 per week.
The owners would prefer that the residence is tenanted in the same interest as the surrounding lease it is not necessary.
Expressions of interest are sought for this property. Further information including the Application forms and Maps are available for collection from our office.
Applications will close Monday 8th December 2014.