If your business understands the power of branding and the need for a corporate look than this stylish building is the ideal headquarter for your company.

Area: 1,963sqm

Gross Floor Area: 972.5sqm
- Ground Floor: 892.5sqm
- Mezzanine: 80sqm

50% more space may be possible in Mezzanine

Total Use: 950sqm
- Showroom: 450sqm
- Warehouse: 500sqm

Leasing Charge:
$200.00 to $250.00 per SQM per annum plus outgoings plus GST

For further information contact Peter Gotz on 0418 966 934 or 07- 4153 2911

123 Bargara Road & 2 Morrison Street, Bundaberg East Qld 4670