Located on Lower Mountain Road, Dundowran are these three industrial units now available for lease at a reduced rate. Of tilt panel construction, the units are part of a fully fenced secure complex and include disabled amenities, great access and parking for large vehicles and trucks, off street customer parking and huge roller door access. The front 2 units are sized at 250m2 and feature an office space, 73m2 mezzanine and shower facilities and are available for lease at $1,667 per month plus GST and outgoings. The rear unit is sized at 519m2 and features a large open area with electric panel door and is available for lease at $3,460 per month plus GST and outgoings. These units are definitely worth an inspection, so contact Exclusive Marketing Agents Century 21 Commercial Hervey Bay today on (07) 4124 0224 for more information.