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If you are a keen entertainer, we have the perfect property for you. This single level 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom home will not disappoint.

This home offers plenty of space for you and the family with views from kitchen, living areas and the master bedroom overlooking the stunning pool and canal.
Close to Waterways shopping centre, Burleigh Bears Club, Pizzey Park, schools, restaurants, cafes and beaches.

Features include:

- Main Bedroom with Ensuite and walk in robe
- Ceiling fans throughout
- Kitchen with granite bench tops & stainless steel appliances
- Open family living areas with bi-fold doors
- Alfresco outdoor timber decking
- In Ground Swimming Pool
- Double garage
- Automatic security gate with video security intercom.
- Sorry No Pets

Please call the office on (07) 5570 4004 to inspect. Be quick, won’t last long!