Immaculate four bedroom home has one lucky room coming available soon. This delightful share accommodation home has a large lounge area and very modern kitchen. Separate dining and great outdoor area. Air conditioning for those hot summer months. Close to Griffith uni (within walking distance). A must to view!
1 x master bedroom $200
Min term is 6 months. PREF 12.
Frequently asked questions,
Are pets allowed at this property? No
Do I have to pay for water supplied to this property? No
Do I have to maintain the lawns and gardens? No
Do I have to maintain a pool? No
When is the property available from? 21st Dec 2014
Is the property furnished or unfurnished? Furnished
What is the lease term offered? Minimum 6 months.
Please do not use the online application feature as we cannot process applications with the computer generated signature. Please contact the agent to view the property and apply.