2 Bed, 1 sunroom, 1 Bath plus plenty of off-street parking – Extra Large fenced secure yard with some paved ares. Ideal for extra vehicles or boat(s). Conveniently located in Chirn Park and close to Broadwater. Single level duplex, with fully tiled interior. Rent includes all water and electricity costs. Pets ok.
Frequently asked questions,
Are pets allowed at this property? Yes, upon application.
Do I have to pay for water supplied to this property? No
Do I have to maintain the lawns and gardens? Yes
Do I have to maintain a pool? No, none onsite.
Is the property furnished or unfurnished? Unfurnished.
What is the lease term offered? 6 month or longer.
Please do not use the online application feature as we cannot process applications with the computer generated signature. Please contact the agent to view the property and apply.