This 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 2 study home ticks all of the boxes!. Not to be missed this near new looking rental has recently been renovated inside and out with new flooring/paint/air conditioning/led lights/shower screens etc. Benefits of this property include massive fully fenced yard (enough to fit cars up the side of the house) also has dishwasher, sinkerator garbage disposal, fits double fridge and extra large washing machine and dryer. Super energy efficient house with solar heat pump hot water that can save you up to 80% off your hot water bill, led lights use 80% less energy, whirlybirds, main roof insulated, gas cooking, new efferent air-conditioning, new outlets. Super water efficient certified. 200 metres from Ferry Road Brickworks.
Frequently asked questions,
Are pets allowed at this property? Yes Upon application
Do I have to pay for water supplied to this property? Yes
Do I have to maintain the lawns and gardens? Yes
Do I have to maintain a pool? No, none onsite.
Is the property furnished or unfurnished? Unfurnished.
What is the lease term offered? 6 months or longer.