You’ll love this 2 storey air conditioned modern duplex, close to central Southport. Great design large master bedroom with ensuite downstairs and 2 more beds upstairs with a separate lounge – great for growing family or sharing. Study nook area. Backing on to park and playground and only a few metres to corner convenience store. Modern kitchen with dishwasher, bathroom with bath. Light and bright with under cover entertainment pergola. Single Auto garage with internal access to house. 2 other off street car spaces. PLUS garden maintenance in included in the rent!
Frequently asked questions,
Are pets allowed at this property? Please confirm with agent.
Do I have to pay for water supplied to this property? Yes, all consumption.
Do I have to maintain the lawns and gardens? No
Do I have to maintain a pool? no, none on site.
Is the property furnished or unfurnished? Unfurnished
What is the lease term offered? 6 months or longer.
Please do not use the online application feature as we cannot process applications with the computer generated signature. Please contact the agent to view the property and apply.