This neat and tidy, fully furnished 1 bedroom unit won’t last long!

This unit is situated in a maintained Over 50′s lifestyle complex with local shops within walking distance.

This property features:
*1 Bedroom
*1 Bathroom (shower only)
*Combined Living and Kitchen
*Fully Furnished
*Fenced Courtyard
*Sorry, No Pets

*Please note this is an over 50s lifestyle village!*

Book an inspection online!
1. Send an enquiry using the Email Agent button below and we will instantly respond with available inspection times OR Click on the “BOOK” button (available on our website click here, from the search rentals page)
2. Register to join an existing inspection
3. If no time offered, please register so we can contact you once time is arranged
4. If you do not register, we cannot notify you of any time changes, cancellations or further
inspection times. Please note that if you do not register, we do not know you are interested!

Once you have found a property you like, applications are available on our website. With the current high enquiry rate, we advise that you take the time
to prepare your application and have all the required documentation ready.