+ 91m2 in busy beachfront strip
+ Strategically situated on Alexandra parade, backed by 213 holiday apartments
+ So good that previous tenant expanded to bigger premises in same strip
+ Ample parking at rear
+ Glass frontage and good signage opportunities
Facing Alexandra headland beach, this tenancy represents a great opportunity to place you business on a high traffic strip, without esplanade rental rates.
Well positioned on a prime beachfront strip and backed by the popular Alexandra Beach Resort, containing 213 holiday apartments, these shops are consistently busy all year round and absolutely flat out during the holiday periods. The successful position of this shop has been proven as the previous tenant outgrew and moved to bigger premises a few doors up!
If your business is in a position to take advantage of this excellent position, call me anytime on 0408 062 602 or enquire via email to michael.polkinghorne@raywhite.com.