Located in sought after Wilsonton Heights, this lowset brick home is set on an elevated 630m2 fenced allotment. It comprises of 4 built-in bedrooms, generous living room with gas heater, separate bath and shower in the main bathroom. Kitchen and dining areas combined with electric hot plate, oven and rangehood. Security screens are fitted to windows and doors. There is a paved outdoor entertainment at the rear of the home to host the summer barbeque. Internal access is available from the roller door garage and there is a carport adjacent for the second family car. A garden shed is also located in the backyard. In addition to the town water supply, there are also 2 rainwater tanks. A town gas hot water system is connected to the home. No pets permitted.

WATER – This property has a Water Efficient Certification, hence tenants to pay for all water used.

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