To book a viewing for this property: Simply click on the ‘Book an Inspection Time’ button.
If there are no suitable times available, please contact the agent direct to arrange an inspection.
Please note you must register and confirm to attend the inspection.

This unit is perfect for the fastidious – practically perfect in every way! (Plus freshly painted)

The property features the following:-
- Large light filled main bedroom with a wall of built in robes
- Large Second Bedroom
- Spacious lounge
- Open plan kitchen/meals area
- Gas cooktop and electric oven
- Separate Laundry with linen press
- Ducted air-conditioning and heating for perfect climate control
- Neat, low maintenance rear yard with bonus storage shed
- Carport

-Gorgeous Somerton Park beach
-Local Schools

-Sorry no pets
- 6 or 12 month fixed term lease available
-SA water – tenants responsible for all water & supply charges.