In search of an housemate as of right now. If you are keen for a look or even if you know anyone let me know.The place is a very secure 2 bedroom apartment with dishwasher 2 reverse cycle split systems and a balcony overlooking South Warf Polly woodside and Jeffs Shed. If you squint you can even see the bay!There is an outdoor pool and BBQ area on the 5th floor but no Gym. There is 1 car space available only that we can fight over and one bedroom with the balcony and one more like a study (without windows).Ill put it straight out there and say that Id prefer a female to move in but will definitely consider males.I lived with a male for the last 8 years so need the change.I just tend to get along better with girls. Maybe thats why they call me a bit of a hipster girly-man?!I work in IT as a professional Network Administrator and am Apple certified by day and a hipster/band nerd by night. Because if people move in together you need to get along right? No couples. The place is too small for 3.Clean and tidy is a must. NO SLOBS.Im SO sick of slobs. This should be considered a condition!(Sorry to harp on about this Ive been burnt in the past too many times)Id like the room given back in the way that it is given to you. (CLEANED)Bills etc are all split.Rent is payable on the 20th.