Ground floor retail, Smack bang in between the huge Southern Cross SX1 And 2 office towers and the iconic Bourke Street Mall.

The enquiry code for this property is 1606.
You will be asked for the code when you call about this property.

Non stop pedestrian traffic flow, major tram stop at the front door, 2 doors from a major intersection.

Current fit out is near new, the option to make it your own or completely redesign is yours.

- Large glass shopfront
- Air conditioned through out
- Rear entrance from boutique No. 3 Melbourne Place – lane way address
- Office room
- Store room
- 2 well appointed bathrooms
- Easy delivery access
- Bifold takeout window
- 50+ Seating capacity

Get in quick, call to arrange an inspection today.

Once again the enquiry code for this property is 1606.
Please be advised that you will need the code when calling about this property.