This two storey home comprises 2 bedrooms and a living room downstairs with a laundry and toilet, upstairs comprises another two bedrooms with an open plan kitchen, living and meals area. There is a balcony off the living room with bay glimpses. Kitchen has electric cooking, dishwasher and living area has a wall gas heater and an air conditioner. This property has been renovated. There is an entrance to downstairs from the carport or you can access the upstairs via stairs.

Terms & Conditions:
All properties must be inspected prior to submitting an application.
Inspections are conducted during business hours.
Only Stockdale & Leggo Dromana application forms will be accepted.
All applications are subject to owner approval & incomplete applications will not be considered.
If the property stipulates no pets, then applicants with pets will not be considered.
First months rent must be paid within 48 hours of being approved in order to secure the property.