Located within Cranbourne North is this cosy, three bedroom family home positioned in a court and close to schools, shops, and public transportation. The home comprises of a separate lounge area at the front of the home with an open plan living/kitchen area being centrally located, leading to the rear undercover pergola. The master bedroom is located at the front and comprises walk in wardrobe and full ensuite whilst the other two bedrooms are both fitted with built in robes. Extras include gas heating, double lock up garage and low maintenance gardens. Photo ID required at ALL Inspections. Please note: Dishwasher is not included in the lease of this property

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It is important that you arrive at the property before the start of the home open time. Late attendance may result in the property not being able to be viewed.

Whilst a property may to advertised as Available Now, your application will be subject to processing times depending on availability of references etc. If your application is subject to an urgent lease start date, please communicate this to the leasing agent and make note on your application.

Please be advised that while pets are negotiable upon initial application, we cannot guarantee that pets will be approved if you apply for a pet/s later in your tenancy*