If you have been searching for an apartment that is big in every sense of the word. Then this is the one for You!
This one bedroom 1 bathroom apartment has quality fittings and appliances throughout , high level of finish, coffered ceilings and detailed finishes making this an iconic location.
This will suit those who want to be in the heart of the City action.
Downstairs you have a convenience store that opens 7 days a week until late, and the superb Balti Indian Gourmet restaurant, Riccardo’s breakfast and lunch bar, or walk a little to a superb Japanese
eatery, or a bakery or cafe.
Walk to schools, library, concert halls( Perth Concert Hall is across the road)
Neighbouring offices, banks, government departments, law courts and hotels.
Free bus and CAT services ( Around the City )
10-15min walk to Perth City Malls
Easy stroll down Victoria Avenue to the Swan River Foreshore.

Call Caz to arrange an Inspection