Phone enquiry code for this property: 2182

If you are interested to view this property you are welcome anytime.we could open property for your convenience

Living around Mills Park in Bekenham is highly pleasant and enjoyable for Beckenham community people in this summer.Newly developed WA first 6 star community hall and Kids Play ground is bonous..

House located approx 100 meter away from Mills Park

Newly renovated Kitchen with dishwasher
Lovely 4 bedrooms with wooden blinds and curtains
Air con and Gas heater for pleasant stay

Plenty of Car spaces can drive to back yard with more than 500 sqm open space at rear
Gardening owner responsibility so no need to worry yourself

Big covered Alfresco can be used as Open plan Living room
Extended Big Bed room next to Alfreso option for separte privacy/share

Adding Brand new Wardrobe/Linnen cupboard will impress the comfort of paying Tennant is high priority for Owner

Separate laundry room ,soft close WC
Huge back yard without Gardens can be used as play ground

100 meters walk to Primary School

800 meter walk to Beckenham newly developed Train station

Goodguys,AMART,Furiniture Bazar,JB HI FI ,Indian Grocery Shops, Anaconda, BCF, Don Murphy and more Famous /big shops next to Bekenham train station feels living in the city

Carousal shopping centre is just 5 mins drive from the house

Hope you will enjoy and pleasant stay