SOLD AT AUCTION by Steven Khawam 0415 308 100
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SOLD AT AUCTIONSOLD AT AUCTION by Steven Khawam 0415 308 100- 4
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Under Offer
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Under Contract -
Modern Living!
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$420 wk -
Two Bedroom Unit!
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$480 per week -
Contemporary Duplex Offering an Effortless Lifestyle in an Enviable Pocket
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Under ContractContemporary Duplex Offering an Effortless Lifestyle in an Enviable Pocket- 4
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Under Contract -
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Under Contract -
Beginners Luck - First Home Buyers Special
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For Sale - Price Guide - $370,000 - $385,000Beginners Luck - First Home Buyers Special- 2
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For Sale - Price Guide - $370,000 - $385,000 -
Apartment in the heart of Fairfield
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$580 WeeklyApartment in the heart of Fairfield- 2
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$580 Weekly -
Apartment in the heart of Fairfield
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$580,000 -
Modern Brick Townhouse in a tightly held complex with Internal Access to the Gar
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AuctionModern Brick Townhouse in a tightly held complex with Internal Access to the Gar- 3
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