Single Contract!! NO PROGRESS PAYMENTS!!!
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$740,000Single Contract!! NO PROGRESS PAYMENTS!!!- 3
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$740,000 -
Application Accepted: Contact 86071400
- 4
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House and Land Packages from $770k
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Under $770k -
Great Price!!! Get in Quick, Won't Last!!!!
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Sold by Chris Brown - 0433181544Great Price!!! Get in Quick, Won't Last!!!!- 4
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Sold by Chris Brown - 0433181544 -
Bargain Opportunity!!!
- 4
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Sold for $735,000 by Chris Brown | New Vision RE -
Calling Extended Families!!!
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$910,000 - $950,000 -
Calling Extended Families!!!
- 4
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$910,000 - $950,000 -
Marsden Park â Elara Project Stage 1 and 2
- 4
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Contact Agent -
Rental Guarantee with Clydesdale Estate
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Contact Agent -
Renovated 4 bedroom home, double garage, ducted air conditioning & sun room on large block
- 4
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$610 WeeklyRenovated 4 bedroom home, double garage, ducted air conditioning & sun room on large block- 4
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$610 Weekly